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Continuous Improvement Goals

Foxview School Improvement Goals 2023-2024

Educational Excellence: Literacy

Ensure every student meets or exceeds grade level standards so they are prepared for life after high school. We will do this by providing a coherent curriculum with rigorous, relevant educational programming using sound instructional practices  in order to develop critical reading, writing, speaking, listening and language skills with all students. Progress will be measured on Vocabulary Acquisition and Use Anchor Language Standards 5.2/6.2 (see below). Our instructional focus is on the strategies students need to solve and understand unfamiliar words and the transfer of those strategies to independent literacy tasks.

  • Anchor Standard L2: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases in grade level reading and content, use context clues, analyze meaningful word parts, and apply word solving strategies (for meaning) as appropriate.

5th and 6th grade students will meet grade level proficiency measured by the Foxview Reading Benchmark Assessment  with emphasis on part 2 of the assessment, “Analyze and Use Meaningful Word Parts.” Proficiency benchmark is a 4 out of 5 on the Analyze and Use Meaningful Word part section on the end of year benchmark assessment or an overall growth of 150% from the fall to spring benchmark assessment by May 31, 2024


Educational Excellence: Math

Ensure every student meets or exceeds grade level standards so they are prepared for life after high school. We will do this by providing a coherent curriculum with rigorous, relevant educational programming using sound instructional practices to grow and develop students as mathematicians and problem-solvers.  In a rigorous learning environment, the students think critically, make sense of mathematical ideas, and reason mathematically in order to solve real-world problems.  Students are active learners, constructing their knowledge of mathematics through exploration, discussion, and reflection. With teachers as facilitators, students engage in meaningful learning through individual and collaborative experiences.

5th and 6th grade students will achieve their individualized growth goal as measured by the iReady benchmark screening assessment by May 31, 2024. Additionally, students one or more levels below as measured by the iReady benchmark screening assessment from September, 2023 will reach their individualized stretch goal on the spring iReady benchmark screening assessment by May 31, 2024.

Student Engagement: Focus on Students

We will continue to implement PBIS, AMHE, and the Foxview Voyageur Way through our equitable Multi-Level System of Support (MLSS).    We will teach, model, and reinforce expected behaviors and skills  in all settings, as well as utilize data to select and implement specific  interventions, so that all students are connected, feel heard, and experience success at Foxview. 

  • Address bullying, harassment, and appropriate language through universal instruction, inclusive classroom communities, and consistent behavior response so that less than 10% of students report incidents on student surveys.
  • Explicitly identify, communicate, and implement  EMLSS continuum so that students are accessing services when they are needed, with 100% SST referral follow up and individual student planning. 
  • Implement the Second Step SEL curriculum, including units on Emotion Management, Empathy and Kindness, and Problem Solving for 5th grade and units on Recognizing Bullying and Harassment, Thoughts Emotions & Decisions, and Managing Relationships and Social Conflict for 6th grade with 100% of  teachers and students participating on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Improve student sense of belonging, connection, and representation, according to the annual Student Survey, by decreasing the  20%  of students reporting no connection to staff and inability to be themselves at Foxview.